Black Watch, 42nd Royal Highland Regiment a Victorian Officers Dirk

Black Watch, 42nd Royal Highland Regiment a Victorian Officers Dirk

Black Watch 42nd Royal Highland Regiment Officers Dirk

Black Watch 42nd Royal Highland Regiment Officers Dirk

Cameron Highlanders Post 1901 Officers Dirk Suite


The Cameron Highlanders - a superb Post 1901 Officers dirk suite comprising a large dirk with gilt fittings throughout. Blade and bi knife and fork in excellent condition. Foil backed, citrines good. Together with a superb dirk belt and frog in very fine gold bullion on black leather with St Andrew in silver on a gilt buckle. One of the finest dirk suites I have had. Remember, there is no added buyer commission! 

Availability: In stock

The officers of the Cameron Highlanders in the early 1900s, particularly post-1901, would have had a distinctive and formal uniform befitting their rank and regiment. The officers of the Cameron Highlanders likely wore a "dirk suite," which refers to the traditional Scottish dress uniform, typically featuring a kilt, sporran (a type of pouch worn around the waist), and the dirk (a traditional Scottish dagger) worn on the belt.

The specific details of the officers' dirk suite might include:

  1. Kilt: Made of tartan cloth in the regimental pattern of the Cameron Highlanders. The kilt would be worn with a leather belt, often with a decorative buckle.

  2. Sporran: A decorative pouch worn around the waist, typically made of fur or leather. The sporran was used as a pocket for carrying personal items.

  3. Dirk: A ceremonial dagger with a large, ornate handle and usually a blade of about 12 inches in length. The dirk was worn in a sheath on the belt as part of the officer's formal dress.

  4. Jacket and Waistcoat: Officers would wear a scarlet jacket and waistcoat, adorned with regimental buttons and insignia. The jacket might also feature epaulettes or shoulder boards denoting rank.

  5. Highland Brogues: Traditional Scottish shoes made of leather, often with decorative laces or buckles.

  6. Glengarry Cap or Feather Bonnet: Officers typically wore a Glengarry cap or feather bonnet, depending on the occasion and regimental tradition.

  7. Sword: Officers also carried a ceremonial sword or saber, depending on the occasion.

This uniform ensemble was not only practical but also symbolic of the Scottish heritage and military tradition of the Cameron Highlanders. The dirk suite, in particular, was worn on formal occasions and represented the officer's rank and affiliation with the regiment.

Seller : 20
United Kingdom

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